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Quick definitions of driving terms and descriptions of specific activities.  More terms will be added as this page develops.  Have a term you want defined?  Contact us!

Play Day Classes

Descriptions of typical play day classes, this list is not inclusive.  Organizers may vary the format of a class.

Long-Line Obstacles

Long-line your equine through a series of obstacles at a walk or trot.  Equine may be in harness or wearing a surcingle.

Driven Obstacles

Drive through a series of obstacles.  Three minute time limit.  Each knockdown will add 5 seconds to your time.  Seven or eight obstacles to be driven; pattern is posted beforehand.  Fastest time wins.

Egg and Spoon Race

Turnouts will trot and halt to music around outside of cones placed inside the arena.  Groom will hold egg and spoon.  Last team with egg in spoon wins.

Barrel Racing

Timed.  Drive through three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern.  May circle left, right, right OR right, left, left.  May canter if driver feels competent to do so.  Fastest time wins.  May long-line in this class if allowed by organizer.

Pole Bending

Timed.  May canter.  Through start gate, weave in and out of poles to the end.  Turn and weave back through the poles and over finish line.  Fastest time wins.  May long-line in this class if allowed by organizer.

Musical Buckets

Played as musical chairs.  Equine, Whip, and groom turnouts trot around the outside of cones while music plays.  When music stops, grooms must dash to a bucket in center of arena.  Turnout with no bucket is asked to leave the arena and one bucket is removed each round.  Groom who sits on last bucket wins.  Horse and Whip to remain standing on circle, outside of cones.

Pleasure Driving

Judged on equine.


Driver judged on perfection of execution.  All entries go around the arena in both directions.  Each turnout performs a figure 8, short cones course or something individually as directed by judge.


Timed.  Drive course and knock balls off cones with the whip without knocking cone over within the allotted time.  Points earned for each dislodged ball.  Most points wins.  


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